About OBS

Club History

The Otago Bonsai Society started on 1 May 1979 with the first formal meeting held on 2 October 1979. The rules were passed at the AGM in 1980 and in 1981 the name was changed to the Otago Bonsai Society. It became an Incorporated Society on 28 August 2001.

Early meetings were held at the Pioneer Women’s hall in Moray place, Dunedin. From 1981 meetings and activities were held at the Holy Cross hall in South Dunedin. When the church was considered an earthquake risk in 2015 a new venue for bonsai meetings was needed. From then until 2017 the meetings were held at the Church hall in Queens Drive. On the sale of this building meetings were temporarily held in the South Dunedin Presbyterian church and in 2018 transferred to the current venue, Mercy Hall in MacAndrew Road.

The club’s library was established in 1983 and the Newsletter first published in 1989. Workshops have been a regular feature with the first in 1980. Since then there have been workshops with New Zealand and overseas tutors, including bonsai masters from Australia, Scotland and Japan. Many of the workshops were preceded by a demonstration to give members inspiration and knowledge of new techniques.

Club Trophies

A number of trophies have been donated for displays of designated bonsai styles or tree species and awarded by voting of members at monthly meetings:

  • Maple cup 1981 donated by Merrion Baker
  • Tree of the month 1990 donated by Joy Morton
  • Larch trophy 1990 Tim Foster memorial
  • Group planting 1993 Jan Mulholland memorial
  • Champion of Champions 1999 Mavis Cooper memorial
  • AGM mini show 2012 donated by Joy & Colin Morton
  • Pine Trophy 2012 donated by Sean Heseltine
  • NZ Native Trophy 2023 donated by Lynn Slobbe

Club Conventions & Displays

The first display of bonsai by members was in March 1980 at the Dunedin Rose Show. Since then, we have hosted regular displays at local events and exhibitions. The most frequent display is at the seasonal Dunedin Horticultural Shows. Other venues have included the Dunedin Botanic Garden, Otago Museum, Civic Centre, Art Society rooms and Community Gallery. In addition demonstrations and talks by members have been given to a wide range of community groups.

The Society has organised several very successful conventions as follows:

  • 1994 Friends of Bonsai, a South island convention

  • 2001 National Convention with demonstrators John Marsh & Dorothy Koreshoff from Australia

  • 2012 National Convention with keynote demonstrator Qingquan Zhao from China

  • 2017 National Convention with keynote demonstrator Bjorn Bjorholm from the USA

Current OBS Activities


An active yearly programme is provided through monthly meetings which include demonstrations, workshops, invited speakers, tree critiques, a display of trees, sale of bonsai resources and advice on seasonal care.

Outings are organised for tree and rock collecting, visits to member’s bonsai collections, tree nurseries and to other clubs. Weekend workshops are held each year to assist members in developing their trees and bonsai skills guided by expert tutors from around New Zealand and overseas.

View our events calendar to see when we’re meeting next.


A library of books and magazines is available for members to borrow. A quarterly newsletter keeps members up to date with current local and national bonsai matters.


A biennial exhibition which displays about 80 of the best local bonsai provides the public an opportunity to gain an appreciation of the art of bonsai. This is followed up with a beginner’s workshop that gives those who have expressed an interest in bonsai an opportunity to learn the basics of creating a bonsai.